Monday, February 23, 2009

Extra Extra!

Well a week has passed and I've made the front-page again... surprisingly. Last week I posted an illustration I did for newspaper "De Pers", about the financial crisis. The accompanying article asked readers what a suitable punishment would be for the bankers, accused of being greedy and f-ing up the global economy.
The verdict: the bankers should be forced to go to work in full clown get-up.
So everybody would know not to take them too seriously and trust with too much of their money, I guess.
Anyway I did a new version of the vulture I did for them last week but this time, you guessed it, in red nose, blue wig and make-up.

An interesting little side-note the vulture I did last week got some t.v. attention from a show called "Rondom Tien" (a topical, serious talk show here in the Netherlands) devoted a show to the financial crisis and the whole 'blame issue'. And halfway through the show the presenter whips out a copy of last weeks De Pers and goes "Illustrator Martijn Rijven shows us this vulture in a pinstripe"... Well, the live studio-audience and the guests all agreed: This was going way too far... outrage!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's amazing that your work was shown on TV, even if it wasn't your work itself that was the subject. It all counts!